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5 Things You Need to Do Before (Successfully) Implementing a Contract Management System
Thursday, September 14, 2023 Pramata Corporation If you’re thinking about a contract management solution, then you need a roadmap for getting it in place as quickly and smoothly as possible. Avoid the dreaded “implementation fail” with these 5 tips and up your chances for a smooth and successful start.
23 Key Metrics Every Legal Team Should Track
Thursday, August 17, 2023 LinkSquares, Inc. Download this eBook to learn the 23 KPIs every in-house legal team should be tracking in order to avoid losses and additional overhead.
Choosing the Right Tool for Legal Task Management
Monday, July 10, 2023 LinkSquares, Inc. Evaluating task management tools? Our new guide will help you understand your options – and what legal teams need specifically.
Research / Report
The Forrester Wave™, Contract Lifecycle Management, Q2 2023
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 LinkSquares, Inc. Download the report for an unbiased look at the 13 CLM providers that matter most and see how they stack up.
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